An investigate of my film work DEATH
film link:
Author: Changliang Li (Lee)
1. How old are you? ( )
A. under 18 B. 18-25
C. 25-30 D. over 30
2. Your gender. ( )
A. male B. famale
3. Can you understand the story?( )
A. Yes
B. No
4. What genre do you think the film is? ( )
A. Comedy B. Suspense C. Thriller D.
5. Do you notice some actions made by
actors? ( )
A. Yes
B. No
6. What kind of feelings do you think
the actions of the actors made in the film? (
) (Multiple choice )
A. Disgust B. Fear
C. Surprise D. Suspense
7. In the film there are some
elements to present the suspense. Which one do you think can make you think
about suspense? ( ) (Multiple
choice )
A. Music. B. Plot.
C. Dialogue D. Color.
8. Please leave any comments here, it is
important for my project. Thanks!