
New version of my questionnaire

An investigate of my film work DEATH BY SCRABBLE
film link:  http://youtu.be/MMR-z_rpdEc
Author: Changliang Li (Lee)

My project is focusing on body language. Body language is obvious in our daily life. If you notice it, it can help you know more about your relationship.

1. How old are you? (  )
A. under 18    B. 18-25   C. 25-30  D. over 30
2. Your gender. (  )
A. male    B. famale
3. Can you understand the story?(  )
A. Yes  B. No
4. What genre do you think the film is? (  )
A. Comedy B. Suspense C. Thriller D. Romance
5. Do you notice some body language the actors used? (  )
A. Yes  B. No
6. What kind of feelings do you think the actions of the actors made in the film? (      )        (Multiple choice )
A. Disgust   B. Fear   C. Surprise   D. Suspense
7. If you notice the body language from the actor, do you think it can help the storytelling? (   )
A. Yes    B. No
8. If so, which elements does the body language  improve the film? (   )
A. camera composition   B. Music  C. Plot.   
D. Color
9. In the film there are some elements to present the suspense. Which one do you think can make you think about suspense? (        ) (Multiple choice )
A. Music.    B. Plot.     C. Dialogue  D. Color.
10. Please leave any comments here, it is important for my project. Thanks!

