Comparing the two practice, I improve my directing skills. In the first practice, I spoke with two actors,so that I needed to understand their thoughts about the characters. However, in the second practice, I just spoke with one actor, it is easier to understand his thoughts.
As for the camera, in the first practice, I put the camera behind the box so that I can see the two actors' face and emotions, and I use close-up shots on the main actor. In the second practice, I use two different angles to show the actor's respond to the broken water-tap. In the end I use blur to show the actor is helpless with the broken water-tap.
To conclude, it is a useful way to practice. I learn how to direct the scenario, how to communicate with actor. The way I speak to my actors is from the book called <The film director's intuition>, there is a chapter about question everything. I speak with Roy and Terry in my first practice, they tell me about how they think of their character. So I create two thieves with different character. So I use the knowledge in my directing actors. It is useful.
some good lessons. So the next one will involve more planning and preparation befoehand as these quick tests have been good so now we can go for more controlled storytelling decisionmaking