
Stranger- a short film

It is a very interesting short film which Aris suggests me to watch. It is directed by: Erez Tadmor & Guy Nattiv. It tells a story on the underground, at first the two men is not feel comfortable with each other. Suddenly there comes a lot of guys whose face shows they are not getting on well with. Finally the two men decide to cooperate to fight against them. When they get off the underground, they separate again and go their own way.

The short film uses a lot of close-up shots to show the people's emotion, and it creates a sensitive atmosphere. I will learn it and use it in my practice.


After reading some chapters of a book "Understanding Body Language".

This book is written by Jane Lyle, it tells a lot of body language. I read the page 26 to find some examples related to my work.

If we don't want to see something, we normally close our eyes and remain in symbolic ignorance of what we're looking at. There is a simple reaction that is shutting the eyes for a second or two, and putting our hands over our eyes completely to exclude the outside world from vision.

Desmond Morris identified 4 cut-off signals. These are 'Shifty Eye', the 'Stuttering Eye', the 'Evasive Eye' and the 'Stammering Eye'. All of these signals make the onlooker feel uncomfortable.

Shifty Eye: Rapid glancing while talking, as if searching for the exit or a more interesting companion.

The stuttering eye: it seems as if the eyes cannot decide whether to open or close their lids, which produces a disconcerting form of nervous flicker.

The evasive eye: Staring sightlessly into the air, or down at the ground, the person seems unable to meet your gaze for any length of time.

The stammering eye: a lengthy blink,lasting longer than normal.

I will continue reading the book and find more parts of the body about language.


Spy Game

It is directed by Tony Scott, it tells a story about CIA operative Nathan Muir (Redford) is on the brink of retirement when he finds out that his protege Tom Bishop (Pitt) has been arrested in China for espionage. No stranger to the machinations of the CIA's top echelon, Muir hones all his skills and irreverent manner in order to find a way to free Bishop. As he embarks on his mission to free Bishop, Muir recalls how he recruited and trained the young rookie, at that time a sergeant in Vietnam, their turbulent times together as operatives and the woman who threatened their friendship.

There is a scene from 36'35" to 36'40". I pick up 3 pictures to show the body language. These are a series of close-up shots showing how Nathan teaches Tom using observe their faces and act like natural and dismiss most of it without thinking. The close-up shots is a efficient way to show the message from people. You can read them, and get the information which you need.
There is another scene which is they are arguing. 
 Nathan is trying to teach him not using emotions to question the order, but Tom shows the anger and unsatisfied. I can read this from his mouth movement.
 Here is the classic emotions from the mouth and face movement, with his wrinkled brows down, upper eyelid raised, taut eye.

To conclude, I pick up two scene to find the body language, and find the information behind. I will read a book to find more about body language.


A questionnaire of my film.

An investigate of my film work TAKEAWAY
Author: Changliang Li (Lee)

1. Can you understand the story?           
 Yes(     ) / No(     )

2. What is the director wants to talk about do you 
think?    (     )
A. Friendship  B. A murder  C. Human nature
D. Hypocritical.
3. Have you seen actor's emotion by acting?
 Yes(    ) / No (     )
4. If have, how did you show your emotion changing when you did it?

5. In the film there are some elements to present the suspense. Which one do you think can make you think about suspense? (   )
A. Music.    B. Plot.     C. Dialogue  D. Color.

6.  Do you have any other way to present suspense in the movie?

Thank you for your help~

Critical evaluation of the film I made.

I have finished a 5 mins film, I am pleased with the efficient in the whole making film stage. However, I am not fully prepared, so the story maybe not fully understand by audiences.

Secondly, we use 5d mark 3 and sony ex1 to shoot the film, we use the same settings but not the same endings. The color with 5d mark 3 is more brighter than sony ex1, it makes us a little difficult in editing. Johnny takes a long time in editing and adjusting the color. I take a long time in storyboard and shooting.

I prepare to design a questionnaire to give the audience and get some feedback and opinions from the audience.

Actually, there are some things I should consider. I should spend two more weeks on the script and storyboard, this film I just take 1 week to consider that. And the shooting skills I need to improve, there are some slots I don't feel well. So next time I will spend more time in pre-production so that I could minimize the disadvantage of my film.

Learning agreement

School of Art and Design                                                                             2013/14
Learning Agreement

Name: Changliang Li    

Course:MA Film Practice


What is your subject of study?
The study of how the directors present suspense by using body language. In our natural world, a face is usually encountered not as an isolated object but as an integrated part of a whole body. The face and the body both normally contribute in conveying the emotional state of the individual. Body language is the external manifestation of human brain activity, and the natural expression of inner feelings. In other words, the role of mental content should be shown from the actor's physical characteristics. Different body language shows different message from human body, and sometimes if we miss the information. we would made some misunderstanding about others' idea. In my context, suspense is fear and hope. Fear can be described as feeling displeasure about the prospect of an undesirable event; hope can be defined as feeling pleasure about the prospect of a desirable event.  Also, the cinematography can help the director present suspense, as a director, he must know the use of Space, Line, Shape, Tone, Color, Movement and Rhythm.
What is your research question?
The effects of body language in suspense film. How a director use body language to present suspense in a film.
Research aim(s):
What are the overall aims of the project?

To learn more about what is suspense.
To take in to practice how does suspense related to narrative.
To explore how director use filming skills to set the suspense and to influence the audiences.(ways of shooting, lighting, editing.)
Research objectives(s):
What are the specific tangible project objectives?
Note: these are separate to what you personally need to learn in terms of skills and knowledge, see learning objectives below.

Do some literature survey about body language.
Do some literature survey about suspense.
Analysis some famous suspense film.
Shoot the film by myself.

·       What is the wider context of your project?
For example, a paper from Jonathan (2004) shows that: “We endorse the view, put forth by psychologists Ortony, Clore, and Collins, that suspense is composed of fear, hope, and the "cognitive state of uncertainty”. In real life, we might feel suspense when walking through an unfamiliar, reputedly dangerous neighbourhood at night. I will watch “Se7en” this film. This is an example to find out what skills does the director use to set suspense.
Di Ni (2000)states that film is a visual arts, if the language of the actors in the preliminary hearing to meet the cognitive and role of the audience on the plot. So the actor's body language as an important element in the visual style, carrying more rich content and profound significance.
In "Lust, Caution", Mr. Yi was silence in front of people, smiling muscles sink, when he coped with his wife is like this, trying to protect his own serious and dignity. But his heart is extreme panic, insecurity. Through his expression on his face, we can figure out the use of body language is helpful to describe a character.
Di Ni (2000)also indicates that we can divide body language into four parts, that is face, limb movements, attitude and distance. Firstly, in film acting, slight changes on face can affect the audiences' psychology. For example, we can use eyes to express emotions. In film "Waterloo Bridge" Mara cannot face a loved one, decided to end her own life. Actor through the eyes accurately convey the heroine from the sadness, confusion, despair, commit suicide, to greet the dead heart of a series of waves of panic, people cannot help but be sad, but also put the rhythm to the film's climax.
·       How does the project relate to your previous experience/practice?
I have shoot several short films, however, I could not use skills of direct very well to set suspense in a film. And it also makes I knew the shooting skills is very important for film.
·       How does it relate to relevant current practices, debates and theory?
It relate to director’s way of work. Bruce (2001) says: “In Citizen Kane one conflict is the reporter’s physical search trying to discover the meaning of Kane’s last word: 'rosebud'. In his search, the reporter stumbles in and out of various intellectual conflicts between Kane and his wives, friends, and enemies.” So the director can affect the ending of a story, different directors would use different storytelling skills.
According to Boal (1992), he mentioned two unities in human being. One is physical and psychic apparatuses, the other is five linked senses. If one element of body moved, then the whole body would move.
There is a TV show called "lie to me", it is directed by  and It is a TV series which studies in human's micro emotions. It tells a story about Dr. Cal Lightman teaches a course in body language and makes an honest fortune exploiting it. He's employed by various public authorities in various investigations, doing more when the police etc. fail to go the extra mile. So he can afford to constitute a team of his own, which like clients and others has to put up with his mind-games. I can use these information for display an actor's emotions by using face. It is useful to show emotions by face because there are many emotions and micro actions on face.
It also relates to the skills of shooting and editing, different shooting skills and different editing order will make audiences feel some differences. Cinematography is another important work in suspense film, with use of Space, Line, Shape, Tone, Color, Movement and Rhythm, the director could create any scene he wants to show the suspense. Blain (2002) mentions that "an image should  have meanings, should convey meaning, mode, tone, atmosphere and subtext on its own----without regard to voice-over, dialog, audio or other explanation." Although the principle is created from the silence film, it is still applies to current films. So the cinematography is essential for the film.
·       Why is the intended research significant? (So what?)
Body language is the external manifestation of human brain activity, and the natural expression of inner feelings. Like, in TV shows 'lie to me', it shows people how can you read the expression on human's face, it includes a lot of information. Some expression like scorn, contempt and shame. These emotions are universal. So to study these emotions is helpful for me to present suspense in suspense film.
Suspense is a core in a film. Excellent suspense will influence the audiences, and give them deep impression. According to Jonathan (2001), in most Hollywood films, we want the morally good hero to triumph over the evil villain. So good suspense will attract audience to continue watching the film.
·       How does this project relate to your plans for the future?
I want to shoot a suspense film by myself, and create a impressive suspense.
·       Outline the researchcreative and intellectual methods you will employ to develop your research project.
Firstly, in terms of research philosophy, I will use positivism and interpretivism to do some comparison and research. This means I need to explain why the audience will feel interesting in suspense film, and make comparison between movies to explore the main feature of the suspense. And then utilize ways of observation, classification and interviews to explore the relationship of emotions to each other, get the changing of inner world’s reason and result.    
Secondly, the research approach chosen is inductive. Through watch and anlayze different films, choose some parts of suspense of representative to compare and generalize.
Thirdly, at the aspect of research strategies, case study would be the first step. Good and bad cases will provide some suggestions and problems. Therefore I can do some surveys on the Internet according to these problems and suggestions. The next step is todo some practice, make several short films by myself, and analyze it as well.
·       Identify ethical considerations where appropriate.
People don’t talk something about the inner world and do not want anybody else knows why they are afraid. So privacy is very important when I analyze.
Learning objectives
·       Link to your personal skills audit and development plan; identify the skills that you will develop and knowledge that you need to acquire. Match the objectives against the MA programme learning outcomes.
1. To learn and understand how to use directing skills
2. To study how to write a good script, and learn some ways of shooting and editing
3. To learn how to use different type cameras to shoot, and how to shoot different style pictures.
4. To practice editing techniques, include Premiere, Final Cut and AE.
Submissions (practical and/or written work)
·       Describe your intended body of work, including your reflective journal and the summative critical review
My reflective journal would focus on analysing some famous films and directing skills. And I would shoot 1-2 films to express how suspense can influence the audiences. I will analyse my own work as well, to find out my shortcomings of my work.
·       Specify the audience and communication context for your project.
The audience of my project could be people who loves suspense. And crew in the group can communicate director’s experiences online.
·       Describe how you intend to evaluate/ test project outcomes with your audience.
I would like to show several short films which made by myself. Meanwhile, I will find out the shortage of my work, analyze it and talk about how to avoid it again
Resource implications
·       List what resources are required within or outside of the University
Camera, lighting, voice recording equipment, tripod and computers.
·       Identify other organisations or individuals involved that you will rely upon and describe what role they will have
I think I will need some actors to act my film. And also need some insurance.
Cite material using the Harvard System referenced in the previous sections.
AUGUSTO, B., 1992. Games for actors and non-actors. British: London and New York

BRUCE, B., 2001. The Visual Story: Seeing the Structure of Film, TV, and New Media. USA:Focal Press.

BLAIN, B., 2002. Cinematography Theory and Practice: Image making for Cinematographers, Directors, and Videographers. UK: Focal Press.

Di N., 2000. Body language in film acting. [online], Available at: http://www.doc88.com/p-438725720015.html.

JONATHAN, F., and AARON, S., 2004. Helpless Spectators: GENERATING SUSPENSE in

MICHAEL, Y., 1999. AAAI Technical Report FS-99-01. Notes on the Use of Plan Structures in the Creation of Interactive Plot, p.166.

TAN, E., S., 1996.  Emotion and the Structure of Narrative Film; Film as Emotion Machine. Trans.Barbara Fasting. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.

TV shows:
Lie to me, 2009. [TV]  Fox network, 21 January 2009.
AN LEE. 2007. Lust, Caution
David Fincher. 1995. Se7en.
Mervyn LeRoy. 1940. Waterloo Bridge
Orson Welles. 1941. Citizen Kane.
Vincenzo Natali. 1997. Cube.

Cite essential background or contextual material using the Harvard System of referencing

HARTZOG, J., 2009. Narration in Film [online], 12/02/2012, Available at: http://home.roadrunner.com/~jhartzog/narrativefilm3.html

Hockley, L., 2001. Cinematic Projections: the Analytical Psychology of C G Jung and Film Theory. Luton, UK: University of Luton Press.

Jennifer, Van S., Cinematic Storytelling: The 100 Most Powerful Film Conventions Every Filmmaker Must Know.  Michael Wiese Productions

RABIGER, M., 2008. Directing: Film Techniques and Aesthetics. 4th ed. Burlington, USA: Elsevier Inc.

STANLEY, J.S., 1972. The Film Idea. New York, USA:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.

AN LEE. 2007. Lust, Caution
David Fincher. 1995. Se7en.
Mervyn LeRoy. 1940. Waterloo Bridge
Orson Welles. 1941. Citizen Kane.
Vincenzo Natali. 1997. Cube.

·       Outline your plan of action; give dates of developmental milestones linked to the PGC / PGD / MA stages; include personal tutorials and your vacations.
·       Identify a programme of events in which you intend to participate: lectures, exhibitions, tutorials, seminars, workshops, research visits, interviews, searches, on-line activities, etc.

Week 21 18/Dec--------------write the screenplay 
19/Dec ---------write slots
Week 22  and Week 23  -----------Do editing
Week 23  3/Jan ---------Do evaluating
Week 24  5/Jan -------prepare for presentation.
9/Jan ------presentation
Week 25
17/Jan-------- find books about body language.
Week 26 ---- ----------Write the script of the project.23/Jan-----------finish the project of PGD
24/Jan-----------write a script
Week 27 to week 33------make short shot
31/Jan---------- make the decision of the place
week 29----------------To finish first shot
10/Feb---------begin the first shot.
week 33----------------To get feedback 
13/Mar------------ finish shooting and editing. And get feedback.
Week 35 to week 37-------Do some shooting practice, explore how to 
use body language to affect audience emotions.
1/April ------------do shooting practice about body language.
week 37--------------- Read some books about shooting and editing. 
Analyze some films and do research on shooting.13/April----------finish the research.
week 40-------------- Do some 
shooting practice to prove the research.
1/May ------------finish practice.
week 43---------------To cooperate with other directors and actors to shoot my screenplays
24/May--------------finish editing.
Week 44-----------To do tutorial and get the feedback. Prepare for final presentation
1/June----------------prepare for the presentation
week 45-47-----------To prepare the final project
20/June ------------prepare final project.
week 48-
49---------- To filming and finish it before and finish final presentation and project
30/June------------finish filming.
06/July-------------finish final presentation.
week 5
0---------------To write summary about my work10/July------------ finish the summary.
Agreed as a viable programme of study

Signature of student:                                 Date:   

Signature supervisor:                           Date:

Include this document within your submission at the end of each stage (PGC / PGD / MA).

After reading a journal about suspense.

Here is the website of the journal: http://jonathanfrome.net/papers/helpless.pdf

It tells the suspense in video games and films. It also tells the definition of

Definition: suspense is composed of fear, hope, and the cognitive state of uncertainty.

Suspense in films. Fear and hope are the major elements and necessary in suspense film.

The author mentions a suspense structure, narrative fictions commonly employ a suspense structure that presents two opposing outcomes which vary in their probability and desirability. The typical suspense pattern employs an unlikely, desirable outcome and a likely, undesirable outcome.

So those are what I learned from the journal.

Cow- a film with a cow.

It is directed by Hu Guan, shoot in 2009. It tells a story about a Chinese peasant is given the responsibility of protecting his village's special dairy cow during a particularly harsh winter in 1940.

I think it is interesting because the main part of the film is a peasant and a cow. It is hard for actor acting with a cow, unless the actor is so professional and he can control his expression very well.

Here are two pictures of close shot. It shows details of the actor's face. 

Here is a scene showing the color, the actress wears in red which is outstanding. Other actors wears in dark clothes. The director wants to show the impact of the color.

Overall, the film is a good way to show how a actor and a cow in a film. I learn the method of directing actors and the use of color.


Earlier times a practice in interview.

Here is earlier times a interview. After camera sessions with Deborah, I have learnt some basic functions with camera. So I shoot a short interview to practice it.


After reading a book "Directing Film Techniques and Aesthetics"

I read "Directing Film Techniques and Aesthetics" past one months. This book had really helped me. Because in my research, I need to study more film directing skills. Michael Rabiger, the author of the book, told me how to direct actors.

I read the Chapter 18, Directing Actors. The author told me some suggestions about directing actors. For example, 'set limited, positive goals', that means try to remove all fear and comparison from your dealings, and always use positve, constructive phrasing. And use suggestions instead of ordering.

'Direct the actor's attention to a particular kind of action', that in my opinion is as a director, you should tell your actors what a particular action is you want, and you can act by yourself to make the actors understand.

'Never say,"Just be yourself"', it will sets actors worrying, actors do not know how director sees me and which actor should do. So just focus your actor instead on aspects of her character's experience.

To conclude, I learn a lot of directing knowledge from the book. It is a useful book to guide the directors achieve their goals.


Lie to me--- a American TV series focusing on face emotions.

It is a TV series which studies in human's micro emotions. And it fits my study. It tells a story about Dr. Cal Lightman teaches a course in body language and makes an honest fortune exploiting it. He's employed by various public authorities in various investigations, doing more when the police etc. fail to go the extra mile. So he can afford to constitute a team of his own, which like clients and others has to put up with his mind-games.

In the first show I find some useful pictures which shows a lot of emotions on human's face.
The first one is showing scorn. 

This one is showing shame.
 And this is contempt.
 These are sad and happy.

To conclude, I can use these information for display an actor's emotions by using face. It is useful to show emotions by face because there are many emotions and micro actions on face.

Sherlock Holmes--- A BBC ONE TV series.

It is a TV show made by BBC ONE. It adapted the novel "Sherlock Holmes".It is directed by Paul McGuigan and Euros Lyn. In this modernized version of the Conan Doyle characters, using his detective plots, Sherlock Holmes lives in early 21st century London and acts more cocky towards Scotland Yard's detective inspector Lestrade because he's actually less confident. Doctor Watson is now a fairly young veteran of the Afghan war, less adoring and more active.

There are some scenes I like a lot. This is a slot in the cab. The director uses the space well. He put the actor in the left side, and make the right side more space. And the light coming from the actors' feet which light the actor's face well, and other parts are a little dark to show some mysteries.

Here is a man who is in extreme fear, the director just show one eye in close-up slot.

Here is a slot from the camera's viewfinder, and then use focusing on the actually woman behind the camera. Using focus is a common way in shooting skills.

Here is two slots shooting the floor from up to down. It makes the atmosphere more intensive and you do not know what is going on in the floor.

Finally, it is a very famous suspense and detective show, which I can learn a lot of storytelling and shooting skills for how to use space.

The film 'take away'--- storyboard in words.

Take away
Scene 1
Time:Day   PlaceCemetery   Actor:Roy Susie Ren    items:flowers   Slots:10-20s

Mirror No.
Shooting angles 
empty shot
mid shot
3 people standing beside a tombstone. Ren is comforting crying Susie, Roy just stands and watch the tombstone.
Roy's face
Ren arrange the flowers.
Susie's face.
mid shot
Ren takes Susie away, Roy stands for a minite and leaves
Scene 2
Time:Night   Place:Roy's home   Actors:Roy Susie Lee Ren    items:plates.     Slots10s

Mirror No.
Shooting angles
Long shot
They are eating and chatting.

Scene 3
Time:Night    Place: Street   Actor:Ren   item:Phone and a bag   Slots 5s
Mirror No.
shooting angles
mid shot
emply shot.
close to close-up
Ren received a phone call and glanced his watch.

Scene 4
Time:Night   Place:Susie's home   Actor:Susie Roy Ren    items:a bottle. a card.     Slots 20s

Mirror No.
Shooting angles
mid shot
Susie is drinking.
Roy is stopping her and grab her bottle.
Ren breaks in and catch Susie from ground on bed.
Susie is crying.
Roy is uncomfortable and he looks around.
Roy finds a card with number.

Scene 5
Time:Day   Place:Street   Actor:Roy Susie Ren    
items:no     Slots5s

Mirror No.
shooting angles
Roy is coming from a garbage.
Roy stops to thinking.

Roy sees Susie and Ren walking and chatting happily.

Scene 6
Time:Day   Place: Street    Actor:Roy Susie Ren    Items 

Mirror No.
shooting angles
Roy go out from a door.
Susie and Ren are going from a street and they are chatting.
Roy's face.

Scene 7
Time:Night   Place: Restaurant    Actor:Roy Susie Lee Ren    Items: plates  Slots: 2mins

Mirror No.
shooting angles
Roy and Susie eats in restaurant.
Ren said he needs to deliver an order, and will be back soon.
Roy asking Susie is anyone used the car when Lee died.
Susie is stunned, and begin to recall.
(recall)Lee and Susie go to find Ren to have dinner.Susie goes to the toilet. Ren needs to deliver an order. Lee asks Susie if she is fine.
Susie sits and begins to yell hungry.
Lee thinks for a while and takes his car key to Ren.

Ren get the key and out.

Lee comforts Susie.

Roy thinks for a while and seems to realize something.

Ren is back and complain the second empty order. Roy begins to ask.

Susie feel uncomfortable and begin to have the bill.

Susie's back.Roy's face.

Roy's face.