1 full shot emply shot.
outside the house
2 mid shot Aris and Tina are playing scrabble.
3 from top to
bot (Aris wants to go
out, so he do foot tapping) close up
Aris's feet.
4 mid shot Aris speaks to a milkman.(past)
5 close shot. Aris holds a lot of letters.
6 close shot Aris plays first with BEGIN. With N on the
little pink star. and got 21 points
7 Aris's pov Close shot
Tina smug's face.
8 pov Aris Close shot
Tina rearranges her letters.
9 close up Aris's thinking. His head turns up and
10 close shot
from Aris' s shoulder Tina plays
JINXED with the J on a double-letter score. 30 point.
11 close shot Aris's reaction. His feats clenched.
12 close shot Aris's thinking, he plays MURDER.
13 close shot Aris chews U letter and plays WARMER for
22 points. and keep chewing.
14 close shot (T)Aris's thinking. letters KILL and
15 mid shot (T)Aris stands and beats Tina.
16 pov of
Aris a bee flying into Tina's throat.
17 close shot Tina plays SWEATIER and get 24 points plus a
50 points bonus.
18 Close up Aris gets sweatier. He wipes his forehead.
19 Close shot Aris plays HUMID. U from his mouth. He gets
22 points.
20 close up Tina says lousy letters.
21 close up Aris hates her more.
22 Mid shot Tina plays FAN, with F on a double-letter.
23 mid shot Tina gets up to fill the kettle and turn on
the air conditioning.
24 Close shot Aris plays ZAPS, with the Z doubled.
25 close shot Tina gets a static shock off the air conditioning unit.
26 close shot Aris satisfies.
27 mid shot Tina sits back
28 close shot Tina sits back and plays her letters.
29 Close up Aris's thoats.
30 mid shot. (T)
Aris jump out of his chair, spilling the scrabbles over the floor and hitting
31 close up Aris clenched fist release.
32 close up Aris heart beating.
33 close up The kettle starts whistling.
34 Close shot Tina
plays READY on a double-word for 18 points.
35 mid shot Tina gets up and pour a cup of tea.
36 close up Aris steals a blank tile from the letter bag.
and throw back a V from my rack.
37 close up Tina a suspicious look.
38 close shot Aris plays CHEATING using the A of READY 64
point. including 50-points bonus. Aris smiles.
39 close up Tina : are u cheated?
40 close shot Tina
plays IGNORE on the triple-word for 21 points.
41 close up The score is 153 for Tina 155 for Aris.
42 close up The steam rising from the cup of tea.
43 close shot Aris plays letters then plays SLEEP.
44 close shot Aris plays all his letters. EXPLODES, using X
of JINXED. 72 points.
45 close up After Aris puts the last letter down, the
air conditioning unit bangs.
46 close shot Aris could not believe what happened.
47 close shot Tina plays SIGN, with the N on a
triple-letter for 10 points.
48 close shot Aris see his rack. ABQYFWE. He picks B to
49 close shot Aris plays FLY, using L of EXPLODES and close
his eyes.
50 pov of Aris.
Aris opens his eyes, there is a fly buzzing.
51 close shot Tina plays CAUTION, using a blank tile for
the N. 18 points.
52 close up Aris sees his rack again, and thinking
53 close shot Aris is hit by an idea. He plays QUAKE for 19
54 close up Aris's arm shaking.
55 close shot Tina plays DEATH for 34 points, the room
starts to shake.
56 close shot Aris is surprised by the shake. His B gets
lodged in his throat.
57 close up Aris tries to cough.
58 close up Aris face goes red.
59 close up Aris clawing at his neck.
60 pov of
Aris He falls to the floor. Tina sits
there and watching.
(T) means thinking shot.